thigh bag back to heel 3 times
24. Push four meridians
(bladder tendon, kidney
channel, liver channel and
gallbladder channel) from
bottom to top alternately for
3 times
25. Push popliteal fossa
alternately with hands, 3
26. Twist twist from bottom to
top, 3 times
27. Pacify, 3 times
28. Push four channels and
collaterals from bottom to top
with hands on knees, 3 times
29. Pacify, 3 times
30. Operation on the other
side is the same as above
31. Operation of grease head
instrument: from the bottom
to the popliteal fosset, push
bladder, kidney, liver and
gallbladder three times
32. Push four meridians from
the popliteal fossa to the
thigh root three times
33. Cup cupping technique is
the same as above
34. Operation on the other
side is the same as above
35. Choose the appropriate
cup selection: popliteal
socket, big leg and chengshan
point (middle of calf) for
about 10 minutes
36. End of tank collection
37. EMS patch operation:
apply the gel to the patch and
fix the patch on the leg with
the bandage for 20-30
38. Remove the tape and