38. Overall comfort 3 times
39. Place the groin with both
hands 3-5 times
40. Thumb your groin
alternately 3 to 5 times
41. Twist twist 3 times
Kneel with your fingers and
rub them around the base of
your thighs
43. The instrument pushes
four channels and collaterals
to the groin to discharge,
three times
44. Circle back and forth in
groin position, 3 times
45. Push groin alternately with
hand, 3 times
46. Push from the middle of
thigh to groin, comforting
with hand, 3 times
47. Operate the other side
48. Walk the tank (line to line)
1-2 times in the thigh position
(according to the customer's
49. Fix pot on legs, thigh,
zusanli and sanyin for about
10 minutes
50. Remove the jar and finish.
51. The customer lies on his
stomach with his left leg: his
hands move from the calf to
the thigh and back to the heel
three times
52. Push leg bag back to heel
3 times alternately from
bottom to top with palms
53. Alternately push bladder
tendon, kidney tendon, liver
tendon and gallbladder
tendon from bottom to top
for 3 times
54. Push popliteal fossa 3