n) Energy
5. Row the figure of eight with
both hands to the waist and
then lift it from the waist side
to the navel 3 times
6. Overlap hands and rub
intestines for 3 times in a
small circle
7. Make a circular motion to
soothe your hands
8. Acupoint: in middle and
lower wan and wan shen que
qi haiguan yuan intermediate
tianshu large transverse
curvature bone.2 times
9. Make circles with both
hands to appease 3 times
10. Push meridians and
collaterals from top to bottom
alternately with both hands
(ren ma -- open 2 inches of
kidney meridians -- open 4
inches of stomach meridians
-- open 6 inches of spleen
meridians -- open 8 inches of
liver meridians -- open
gallbladder meridians on both
sides) for 3 times
11. Push the middle pole of
both thumbs straight to the
navel, slide both sides to the
waist and then raise the row
to the groin, 3 times
12. Repeat 3 times
13. Pacify the groin to the
17. Choose the appropriate
pot to fix the pot on the
abdomen, and it will last for
about 5-10 minutes for
xiawan, tianshu, big
horizontal, guan yuan, waist
side (according to the
customer's situation).
18. Cans are taken