instrument up on the
forehead and on both sides,
1-2 times (according to
14. The lymphatic detox
instrument starts from the
mandibular lymphatic and is
alternately lifted by hand
through the back of the ear to
the armpit for 3 times
15. The instrument is
arranged in three circles on
the side of the neck to the
armpit, 3 times
16. Detoxify the internal
clavicle to the armpit, 3-5
17. Select the appropriate
small head to discharge from
behind the ear to the armpit,
2-3 times (according to the
18. Same as above on the
other side of instrument
19 underarm technique first
left and then right: hands in
the underarm accumulation
of oil, three times
20. Knead gequan acupoint
with one palm root for 3-5
21. Alternately push the
gallbladder through the
armpit to the finger, 3 times
22. Push inner clavicle lymph
nodes to fingers alternately
with both hands, 3 times
23. Push the arm three
meridians (lung via
pericardium via heart
meridian) for three times
24. Drain the entire arm to
the fingers, 3 times