Soola 1a
51013 Tartu, Estonia
Email: [email protected]
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P a g e 2 6 / 0 7 / 2 0 1 9
required between your turbine and the connection point, it will be necessary to use heavy gage wire to
reduce the resistance of the wire.
When raising the 10 m tower using the gin-pole kit, a minimum open area with approximately 32 m
length is required (see Figure 2). Slightly less than 14 m are required on one side of the foundation
(measured from the centre of the foundation) for the tower and turbine. Depending on the length of
the vehicle and the method used to raise the tower, over 18 m might be required on the other side of
the foundation for the vehicle, lifting cable and gin-pole. For an easier and safer assembly, this area
should be 7 m wide over the entire length, having 3,5 m to either side in order to accommodate the
turbine blades. Narrower area on the gin-pole and the lifting cable side might be sufficient dependant
on the used vehicle width.
Figure 2
– Required area for erection
If the tower is being erected on the side of a hill it will be much easier to raise the tower if it is
assembled to the uphill side of the base.
14 m
18 m