Part Number: 9290312 October/22/2018
nteripr/Exteripr Cleaning, Sanitizing & Rinse
1. Put on gloves and safety goggles before cleaning unit.
2. Spray each tap with cleaner, wipe down, look for
obstructions, and check for proper flow.
3. Drain gate should be removed and interior of drain pan
cleaned and wiped dry.
4. Wash drain gate in sink and allow to dry.
5. Spray top surface of unit with cleaner and wipe dry.
6. Check interior for any spills or drips, spray with cleaner
and wipe down.
DO NOT Spray
Wipe down
interior surfaces
and any spills
Attention and care should be used to avoid spraying
any electrical component (fans, thermostat and sensor
connections) with any of the fluids.
Cpnnect Keg & PriIe SysteI
Once all cleaning has been completed the keg can be
reconnected to the system.
Make sure new coffee keg has been chilled to the
operating temperature range of 45° - 36°F (7° - 2°C)
before use or may cause foaming in the system.
• Close cabinet door and unit is ready for use.
n Place Keg Cleaning
Perform the a weekly cleaning on all six (6) store kegs, three
(3) product and three (3) cleaning. This can be performed
during the weekly cleaning once a month.