Overview of the Advantest V93000 High Speed I/O (HSIO) Test System
Figure 1: V93000 CTH testhead with Multilane TFRAME attached on top
The Advantest V93000 High Speed I/O (HSIO) Test System allows V93000 users to source and
measure DUT signals up to 56GBaud PAM4. See the AT93000 brochure for information about this
HSIO test system feature located at
V93000 ATE Test Solutions | MultiLane (multilaneinc.com)
, the AT93000 twinning frame (TRAME) is hard docked on top of a V93000 test head. The
AT93000 is compatible with CTH and STH Advantest V93000 testheads.
The user’s DUT loadboard
is hard docked on top of the TFRAME and the device handler or wafer prober is hard docked to the
DUT loadboard. For wafer probe, the TFRAME would be upside down from this picture.
shows the HSIO
twinning frame docked to a CTH testhead with one of sixteen populated Pogo
Segments. An exploded view of these individual pieces is shown in
, including up to four
Multilane instrument cassettes.
Figure 2: Building blocks of the Multilane TFRAME
HSIO is an ATE industry acronym for “High Speed Input/Output”
. The AT93000 is an HSIO solution