Appendix: Software installation when controlling AT93000 via PC
The AT93000 can also be controlled via a PC by connecting the Ethernet ports to the PC
PC minimum hardware requirements are as follows:
Windows XP SP3 or greater
Minimum 2 GB RAM
1 Ethernet card to establish connection with the device (2 Multilane ethernet ports)
Pentium 4 processor 2.0 GHz or greater
.NET Framework 4.0
PC software installation follows. To use an ML instrument
under Windows XP, Windows 7 and
Vista, it is important that the correct start-up sequence is followed:
Install the instrument GUI software from MultiLane’s
public website
ATE | MultiLane (multilaneinc.com)
Scroll down: MultiLane Instruments for V93000
Click on any instrument (eg, AT4039E)
You will find the instrument GUI here
Connect the power cable to the faceplate
Change the IP of the instrument to fit in the network range
Multilane instruments come with preassigned IP addresses
The IP address can be manually changed via their GUI
DHCP is not supported
Communication through Ethernet port is required for data acquisition
Connect the ethernet cable to the faceplate. Depending on instrument installation, 2 ethernet
connections may be required
Now the instrument is powered up, having the right IP, the Ethernet cable links the instrument to
the PC with the GUI correctly installed
To open the GUI, double click on the software icon located in the Desktop directory