WHEn You sEE a “ WarnInG!” BE surE to HEED tHE MEssaGE!
tHE InForMatIon contaInED In tHEsE MEssaGEs can saVE Your lIFE!!
This instruction manual complies with the Treestand Manufacturers Association’s TMS 04 -
Standard Practice for Treestand Instructions
and TMS 02 -
Standard Test Method for Treestand Fall Arrest Systems.
this Muddy® product carries strict weight restrictions.
Do not use this product if you exceed these total weight limitations.
Please note that these weight limitations include the user(s) and
their equipment. Failure to follow these instructions may result in
serious injury or death!
Thank you for your purchase of this quality Muddy® product. To ensure
your personal safety, please take a moment to carefully read this
Instruction Manual in its entirety before attempting to set-up, install,
remove and/or otherwise use this Muddy® product(s). Failure to follow
these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Shall you have any questions about the installation, removal, and/or
use of this product, or any other Muddy® product(s) do not hesitate to
call one of our customer service representatives toll free at (844) 745-
7723 or visit us online at
. Our customer service
representatives will answer any questions you may have about any of
the complete line of Muddy® products.
Do not return this product to the retailer if you have any damaged or
missing parts. Call Muddy® for replacement of any damaged or missing
parts toll free at (844) 745-7723. Please have the batch/serial number
ready (find your batch number on a riveted metal tag affixed to your
product) before calling to better assist you.
PlEasE notE tHat WarnInG!
Statements have been placed throughout this
Instruction Manual. These statements point out important safety information
and instructions, which, if not followed could endanger the personal safety
and/or property of the operator(s). It is imperative that the operator(s) of this
product, or any other Muddy® product(s) read and follow all the instructions
and warnings contained in this Instruction Manual prior to attempting to use
this Muddy® product(s), or any other Muddy® product(s). Failure to comply
with these instructions and/or warnings may result in serious personal injury
or death!
Failure to read and strictly comply with the instructions contained
in this Instruction Manual may result in serious injury or death!
Falls FroM a FrEEstanDInG PlatForM trEEstanD can
occur anYtIME aFtEr lEaVInG tHE GrounD. tHEsE Falls MaY rEsult
In sErIous InJurY or DEatH! For Your PErsonal saFEtY, PlEasE taKE a
MoMEnt to carEFullY rEaD tHIs ProDuct(s) InstructIon Manual In
Its EntIrEtY BEForE attEMPtInG to assEMBlE, sEt-uP, Install, rEMoVE,
anD/or otHErWIsE usE tHIs MuDDY® ProDuct(s). at lEast annuallY,
rEVIEW tHE contEnts oF tHIs InstructIon Manual. aDDItIonallY,
KEEP tHEsE InstructIons For tHE EntIrE DuratIon tHat You oWn tHIs
ProDuct(s). FaIlurE to FolloW tHEsE InstructIons MaY rEsult In
sErIous InJurY or DEatH!
tHE saFE usE anD oPEratIon oF tHIs ProDuct(s) Is tHE
solE rEsPonsIBIlItY oF tHE usEr. It Is also tHE solE rEsPonsIBIlItY
oF tHE oWnEr to ProVIDE anY PErson(s) WHo BorroW or PurcHasE
tHIs ProDuct(s) WItH tHIs InstructIon Manual. FaIlurE to FolloW
tHEsE InstructIons MaY rEsult In sErIous InJurY or DEatH!
aDDItIonallY, FaIlurE to FolloW tHIs WarnInG MaY suBJEct You
to PErsonal lIaBIlItY PEnaltIEs as DEtErMInED BY tHE u.s. JuDIcIal
Do not
use this or any other Muddy® product(s) if you
have a history of heart problems, back problems, impaired vision, joints
that lock-up, spinal fusions, equilibrium problems, high blood pressure, are
not well-rested and/or any other physical impairment that may limit your
ability to use and/or operate this product(s) in the safe manner outlined in
this Instruction Manual. Additionally, do not use this or any other Muddy®
product(s) if you are currently taking medication (including prescription)
and/or using and/or consuming any substance, including alcohol, that may
limit your ability to use this Muddy® product(s) as outlined and described in
the Instruction Manual. Never use a freestanding platform treestand when
feeling ill, nauseous or dizzy. Failure to follow these instructions may result
in serious injury or death!
Do not remove, modify and/or omit any portion or otherwise
mechanically modify this product(s) or its assemblies in any manner.
Modification, misuse and/or part substitution shall immediately void your
factory warranty and may result in serious injury or death! If you suspect
that a part(s) is missing and/or defective, immediately contact Muddy® at
(844) 745-7723 for replacement of missing or defective parts.
usE GEnuInE FactorY autHorIZED rEPlacEMEnt Parts. usE oF
anY rEPlacEMEnt Parts otHEr tHan GEnuInE Parts VoIDs Your
WarrantY anD MaY rEsult In sErIous InJurY or DEatH!
Several Muddy® freestanding platform treestands are
equipped with a footrest, armrests, backrest, and/or shooting rail. Neither
the footrest, armrests, backrest nor the shooting rail have been designed
to support the users weight. Under no circumstances shall you place any
more than fifteen (15) pounds (7 kg) of weight on these structures. Doing
so will put the user in serious risk of injury or death. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in injury or death!
Prior to each hunt, you must inform someone of your hunting
location and the expected duration of your hunt. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Prior to each hunt, make sure that you have a signaling device
(e.g., mobile phone, radio, whistle, signal flare or Personal Locator Device (PLD))
in your possession and in an operable condition. This device must be within
easy access shall you experience the need to contact emergency assistance.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
This product(s) is designed for adult use only. No one under the
age of 16 shall attempt to use this or any other product(s) without direct adult
supervision. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or
Prior to attempting to use this or any other Muddy® product(s)
you must take a moment and become familiar with its assembly, setup,
installation, use, and removal. You must practice installing, setting up,
using and removal of this product(s) at ground-level prior to attempting to
use it at heights above ground-level. Once you have become thoroughly
knowledgeable and comfortable with this Muddy® product(s) setup,
installation, use, and removal at ground-level, you are now ready to use it at
heights above ground-level. Failure to follow these instructions may result in
serious injury or death!
hunt out of a freestanding platform treestand at
heights at which you are not completely comfortable. Depending on the
hunting conditions, choose the minimum hunting height that allows for safe,
effective hunting. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
Strict weight limitations have been set for each product(s)
to ensure your personal safety. Note the weight limitations and maximum
occupancy for your Muddy® product(s). This weight limit includes the user(s)
and equipment.
Failure to
follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Do not
attempt to use this or any other Muddy® product(s)
when ice, snow, and/or freezing rain has deposited or formed on any portion of
MQP1500 • The Renegade
MaX. occuPancY -
Two (2)
carrYInG caPacItY (usEr(s) anD EQuIPMEnt)
500 lbs/227 kg