Emergency stop sequence
If an emergency stop command is activated, the following steps are carried out automatically:
1. Closing gas supply solenoid valves and mixture throttles
2. Mixture throttles close
3. Coasting down engine to standstill for a maximum coasting period
4. Deactivating ignition
5. External ventilation request via 24V digital output
Start after emergency stop
If an engine start is requested following an emergency stop, a purging phase is initiated and an activa-
tion request for external ventilation is sent via the 24V digital output.
1. Activation request for external ventilation via contact
2. Activating starter
3. Waiting for starting speed
4. Purging engine with air
5. Starter disengagement (stop actuation)
6. Engine coasting down to standstill
7. Resetting start counter
8. Waiting for start request
Oil refill sequence
1. Waiting for engine running
2. Engine running for a minimum (parameterized) time period
3. Oil refilling enabled
4. When oil refill request is received
5. Refilling oil (automatically)
6. Oil refill request is canceled
7. Stopping oil refilling (automatically)
MS150097/01E 2013-10
| Operation | 35
TIM-ID: 0000017305 - 004