1.9 Fire prevention and environmental protection, fluids and
lubricants, auxiliary materials, special instructions for
applications with gaseous fuel
Natural gas
Observe the safety data sheet.
Caution: Highly flammable gas, forms an explosive mixture with air/oxygen.
Caution: Weak narcotic gas, risk of suffocation at very high concentration.
All gas-carrying lines must be checked for leaks prior to commissioning and at regular intervals during
Procedure in the case of accidental release of gaseous fuel:
• If safely feasible: Shut off main gas supply.
• If safely feasible: Carry out emergency stop.
• Cordon off danger zone.
• Ensure sufficient ventilation!
• Do not enter danger zone before measurements with a suitable gas detector have confirmed that gas
concentration is not hazardous.
Biogenic gases from fermentation processes
Observe the safety data sheet.
Caution: Highly flammable gas, forms an explosive mixture with air/oxygen.
Caution: Can be life threatening depending on concentration. Some gases can no longer be detected by
sense of smell in higher concentrations.
Caution: Risk of poisoning due to hazardous byproducts. The absorption of even small quantities of hy-
drogen sulfide or ammonium may be lethal.
Caution: Danger of suffocation. Due to the lack of oxygen, the absorption of methane can occasionally
lead to increased breathing frequency (hyperventilation) and heart rates, low blood pressure, numbness
of the extremities, drowsiness, mental confusion and loss of memory!
Biogenic gases tend to segregate. In low-lying areas of the plant, carbon dioxide enrichment is possible.
All gas-carrying lines must be checked for leaks prior to commissioning and at regular intervals during
Procedure in the case of accidental release of gaseous fuel:
• If safely feasible: Shut off main gas supply.
• If safely feasible: Carry out emergency stop.
• Cordon off danger zone.
• Ensure sufficient ventilation!
• Do not enter danger zone before measurements with a suitable gas detector have confirmed that gas
concentration is not hazardous.
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