User Manual | MTI 401 & 400
Calls for Service
equipment’s model and serial number information are
required when calling for service.
Serial number is indicated by the
located on the serial number tag.
If service is required, contact MTI
U.S. & Canada 888-520-4998
International 801-875-4998
Fax (801) 952-0548
[email protected]
Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (MST)
lIMITed WarranTy
Medical Technology Industries, Inc. (hereinafter referred to
as MTI), shall repair or replace products of its manufacture,
which prove to be defective in material and/or workmanship
for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of
shipment to the customer (the “Warranty period”). MTI will,
at its option, provide parts to the customer or repair the
defective part at MTI’s factory or authorized repair facility.
except as it may otherwise specifically agree in writing, MTI
shall not be liable for transportation or labor charges for
repairs or adjustments or other work done on any of its
products by MTI’s authorized dealers or service organizations.
Customer shall notify MTI of any alleged claim or defect
within fourteen (14) days from the date customer discovers,
or upon reasonable inspection should have discovered,
such alleged claim or defect (but in any event before the
expiration of the Warranty period). all repair parts are
warranted for ninety (90) calendar days from the date of
shipment to the customer. Warranty is non-cumulative.
This warranty does not apply to any part or product
which upon examination by MTI or its authorized agents
indicates the product has been repaired or altered in any
way by persons other than MTI or its authorized agents,
has been misused, abused or used in a manner contrary
to any instructions issued by MTI. any parts or products
claimed under this warranty must be properly packaged by
customer and returned to MTI’s factory with no liability to
MTI for the parts, products or transportation charges thereon.
In no event, shall MTI have any liability for consequential,
indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or enhanced
damages, lost profits or diminution in value arising
out of or relating to a product defect or the repair or
replacement of any products manufactured or sold by it.
The ForegoIng lIMITed WarranTy IS Made In lIeU oF all
WarranTIeS expreSSed or IMplIed, and MTI MakeS no oTher
WarranTy WhaTSoever WITh reSpeCT To The prodUCTS
InClUdIng bUT noT lIMITed To, any IMplIed WarranTy or
MerChanTabIlITy or FITneSS For a parTICUlar pUrpoSe.