M.T.H. HO 4-8-4 GS-4/ GS-6 Steam Engine
Enter “38” to change the value of CV29 and hit Enter
d. The engine will give you a two whistle/horn blast response
4. In the following steps you will now need to write values to CV17 and CV18 to
tell the engine what the long address should be5. Call up CV17 and enter the
value required for CV17. You will get a two whistle/horn blast response
6. Call up CV18 and enter the value required for CV18. You will get a two
whistle/horn blast response
In order to determine your required values for CV17 and CV18 you will need to go
Enter in the long address you want then click anywhere else in the spreadsheet and
it will return the values for CV17 and CV18 (it will also return the hex conversion
of the CV17 and CV18 values if your DCC system requires this).
Below is an example for extended address 2011:
Feature/Factory Resetting
If all else fails and you aren't sure of something, never fear. You can always get your
engine back to a known state by either performing a Feature or Factory Reset.
There are a couple of ways to reset your MTH PS 3-equipped engine:
- Factory Resets – Clears everything – takes engine to just like it
was when you got it brand new
- Send a decimal 08 to CV 8 to reset everything entirely back to factory
- Send a decimal 192 to reset everything except user speed tables
- Feature Resets – There are a couple of Feature Resets that you can use
- Press F20 twice (toggling on then off). This resets the smoke, volume and
lights back to their defaults
- Send a decimal 64 for a Feature Reset. This resets volumes, smoke and
light settings.
- Send a decimal 128 to reset only address values back to factory default
- This is the same as writing 55 to CV55 to engine address 55
CV 17 and CV 18 Conversion Tool
Hex Conversion C17 Value to Enter C18 Value to Enter
199 219
Desired 4-Digit
Engine Address