HYDROCAL 1005 Manual for Installation and Operation
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Filling to level 2
Status of the components
Capacitive Sensor F0
Capacitive Sensor FI
Capacitive Sensor FII
Valve V6
Flow meter
Valve V1
“draining / filling”
Valve V3
Compressor K1
“not active”
Valve V4
Valve V2
Pump P1
“not active”
Valve V5
“open” Safety function and error observation for filling to level 2 cycle
Observed Components
Detectable Errors
Filling Sensor 0, 1, 2
Operating in normal parameters
Filling Sensor 0, 1, 2
Flow meter
Flow Stuck
Flow leak
Level Timeout
Avoid flooding meas. chamber
Measurement chamber
Measurement chamber offline
Pressure Sensor
No pressure rise