MSR Electronics GmbH • Mettlenstrasse 6 • CH-8472 Seuzach, Switzerland
Phone +41 52 316 25 55 • [email protected]
• www.msr.ch
• www.datalogger.shop
© MSR Electronics GmbH, 2020-03-12. All rights reserved.
User manual
Data transmission using the MSR145W2D Data Logger
: Please read the "Brief instructions MSR145W2D" that describes the basic functions of
the data logger.
A supplementary quick reference guide "Additional instructions MSR145W2D in a WiFi network"
for a quick overview as well as software updates and answers to frequently asked questions can
be found on the download section at
Table of contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 2
1. Data transfer from MSR145W2D to MSR SmartCloud........................................................... 2
1.1. Sending data through an existing WiFi network to the MSR SmartCloud ........................... 3
1.2. Sending data through an additional WiFi network to the MSR SmartCloud ........................ 5
2. Data transmission from MSR145W2D to a local application (no internet access required) .... 8
2.1. Sending data through an existing WiFi network to a local application ................................ 8
2.2. Sending data through an additional WiFi network to a local application ........................... 11
Appendix A1: Connect PC to the WiFi network ........................................................................... 15
Appendix A2: WiFi setup in the MSR PC program ...................................................................... 16
Appendix A3: Display WLAN/WiFi connection ............................................................................ 18
Appendix A4: Additional network using the Fritz!Box 6820 LTE .................................................. 20
Appendix A5: How to open a port in Windows 10 Firewall .......................................................... 23