Timeout for Each Website / IP Address
Assigned websites must respond within this time else, it timeout. Set a larger
value to allow for occasional internet lags. Default is 5 seconds.
NOTE: A larger timeout will allow for instances of delay or lag from target
Number of Continuous Timeout
Number of continuous failed responses from assigned websites before the UIS
reset is triggered. Default is 4 times.
Set Ping Frequency:
Administrator can set the website ping or connect interval (i.e. how frequently
the Switch pings the target sites). Default is 10 seconds.
Ping Delay After UIS Reset:
Set how long the Switch waits after a UIS reset BEFORE it starts checking for a
connection again.
Number of UIS Resets:
Set the number of UIS reset attempts when Internet connection is lost (e.g. If
set to 5 times - if connection is not restored after the 5th attempt, Switch will
wait in idle state until connection comes back).
Force UIS Reset after Initial power-on:
Force the outlets to reset if all target sites are unreachable after power-on (e.g.
Router boot failure after a power outage/ black-out. Resets only outlets that
were ON (before power off). UIS function MUST be enabled for this to work).
4.2.2 Schedule
This option allows the user to schedule the power on / off / reset for each of the two