MS-9184 Server Board
Usind Disk Alert
The RAID manager application includes a disk alert feature that provides a graphical
indication of the status of the hard disks in the system.
W hen the RAID manager application detects a failure condition of an attached drive,
a pop-up box appears in the clock area of the W indows system tray. Click the pop-
up box to view the manufacturer-provide bitmap image of the system motherboard.
The image shows the hard drive connector ports and provides a visual indication of
the location and status of the drives as follows:
Red rectangle:
A red rectangle will flash around the port connector that is
attached to the failed drive.
Green rectangle:
Ports that have a drive attached, and are in a healthy state, are
indicated with a green rectangle around the port connector.
Yellow rectangle:
Ports that have a drive attached, are members of a failed RAID
array, but are not the cause of the failure have a yellow rectangle around the port
Unconnected ports have no visual indication.
9184v1.0-Appendix A(nVIDIA SATA RAID).p65