5 Mounting
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH 2020
1800138/08 EN
4. Once the diverter switch operation begins, continue to turn in the same di-
rection while counting the tap-change indicator sections required for the
pointer to reach the mid-position of the area marked in gray on the tap-
change indicator. Note the number counted (value A) and the direction of
rotation (example: A=2).
Figure 12: Counting the tap changes needed to reach the mid-position
5. If value A is greater than 8 tap-change indicator sections, the tap-change
operation has been completed correctly. If value A is less than 8 tap-
change indicator sections, turn another 8-A tap-change indicator sections
in the same direction (example: 8-2=6) to complete the tap-change opera-
tion. Then turn in the opposite direction until the pointer is in the mid-posi-
tion of the area marked in gray on the tap-change indicator.
Figure 13: Completing the diverter switch operation
6. Turn the hand crank counter-clockwise until the diverter switch operation