AirWorks AWK-3131A
Web Console Configuration
0 to 9999
This field specifies the UDP port that the AWK-1137C listens to
and that other devices must use to contact the attached serial
Packet Length
Factory Default
0 to 1024
This field specifies the maximum amount of data that is allowed
to accumulate in the serial port buffer before sending.
0: Packet length is disregarded and data in the buffer will be
sent as specified by the delimiter settings or when the buffer is
1 to 1024: Data in the buffer will be sent as soon it reaches the
specified length.
Delimiter 1 and 2
Factory Default
When these fields are enabled, serial data will accumulate in
the serial port’s buffer until the buffer is full or until the
specified delimiter character(s) are received. For example, the
carriage return character could be used as a delimiter in order
to transmit each sentence or paragraph in a separate packet.
Data will be packed according to Delimiter process.
Delimiters must be incorporated into the data stream at the
software or device level. The Delimiter value can be set ranging
from 00 to FF.
Delimiter 1
is enabled,
Packet length
must be set to 0.
Delimiter Process
This field specifies how data is packed when delimiter characters are received. This field has no effect if
Delimiter 1 is not enabled.
Factory Default
Do Nothing
Data accumulated in the serial port’s buffer will be packed,
including delimiters.
Do Nothing
Del 1
One additional character must be received before the data in
the serial port’s buffer is packed.
Del 2
Two additional characters must be received before the data in
the serial port’s buffer is packed.
Strip Delimiter
Data accumulated in the serial port’s buffer will be packed, but
the delimiter character(s) will be stripped from the data.
Force Transmit
Factory Default
0 to 65535
This field controls data packing by the amount of time that
elapses between bits of data. When using this field, make sure
that Inactivity time is disabled or set to a larger value.
Otherwise the connection may be closed before the data in the
buffer can be transmitted.
0: If serial data is received, setting this value to 0 means no
data will be buffered and all data will be transmitted
immediately as received.
1 to 65535: If serial data is not received for the specified
0 ms