adrenalin insuffi
ciency (for example in the case of Addison disease). People
suff ering from haemophilia or bleeding episodes should also avoid sauna use
for heat widens the blood vessels.
Sauna is further not recommended to people suff ering from fever or sen-
sitive to heat. Metal screws, joint replacements and other implants usu-
ally refl ect long-wave infra red radiation and therefore do not heat up. On the
other hand, silicon implants absorb infra red radiation and may heat together
with the surrounding tissue, but as silicon melts at temperatures over 200°C,
infra red light should not have any negative eff ect on therm. However, every
patient with an implant should consult sauna use with their surgeon. Like in
the case of massage sauna use is not recommended in the case of any infectious
disease, under the eff ect of alcohol or narcotics. And like in the case of any
other similar activity: If you feel discomfort inside your sauna, or even pain or
worsening of your health state, leave the sauna immediately.
In the case of any health problems always consult sau-
na use with your attending physician!
Caution: If your skin reddening persists for more than
one day after sauna use, do not repeat sauna therapy
and consult your doctor.