The benefi ts of infra red therapy have been studied for several decades in Ja-
pan, Europe and since recently also in the United States. The following benefi -
cial eff ects have been observed in people using infra red sauna regularly:
blood pressure reduction
joint stiff ness reduction
weight loss
positive eff ect on the cardiovascular system
reduction of blood glucose levels
increase of blood circulation
reduction of cholesterol and triglyceride levels
relief from muscle spasms
pain relief
energy charging and stress relief
increase of body strength and vitality
increased extensibility of collagen tissue
sauna helped resolve problems of infl ammatory infi ltrates, oedemas and
sauna helped cure acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, cuts and bruises of the
sauna helped open wound healing leaving fewer scars
sauna improves skin colouration and elasticity
sauna helps treat cellulite
sauna strengthens the immune system
sauna helps reduce injury risk when used for muscle warm up before
stretching and exercise
sauna detoxicates the body
sauna helps treat bronchitis
sauna helps treat urticaria, gout, tissue damage and prostate hypertrophy