Infra red radiation emitted by your infra red sauna is recognised as a source
with a wide spectrum of potential positive therapeutic eff ects, as documented
by research studies performed in diff erent parts of the world. These benefi ts
are presented here for reference only and do not mean to say that infra red
sauna is a source of treatment of any disease. Such conclusions should never be
drawn from these statements. If you take prescription drugs, suff er from acute
joint disease or have other health problems, consult your doctor before you
begin periodic therapy in your infra red sauna. Persons with surgical implants
(metal pins, screws, nails, artifi cial joints, silicon or other implants) usually do
not notice any negative eff ects but they should always consult their attending
physicians before commencing their infra red therapy.
Infra saunas are made with two types of heaters, either ceramic or carbon.
Ceramic heaters generate infra red radiation thanks to thin glass tubes stra-
tegically distributed across the sauna. The infra red radiation generation gen-
erates intense heat and the tubes heat considerably themselves (250-300 °C).
They are always protected to prevent their direct contact with the skin. Sauna
equipped with ceramic heaters usually heats more quickly than sauna heated
with carbon heaters. Their acquisition costs are lower and their life is ca
8000 hours.
A heating unit with carbon fi bre comprises a metal incandescence cathode and
a carbon fi bre. When electric current passes through the metal incandescence
cathode the carbon fi bre heats and emits long-wave infra red rays. Carbon
heaters heat more slowly than ceramic heaters but the infra red radiation dis-
tribution is more even and more eff ective.
Their surface temperature reaches 70-170 °C. The share if infra red waves in
the long-wave spectrum is higher than in the case of ceramic heaters and so
they are able to penetrate the tissues easily and deeper, which increases the
therapeutic eff ect. Their acquisition costs are a little higher but operation costs
and lower and their life is longer, ca 12000 hours.
(or negative ion generator) is an instrument using high voltage to ionise
(electrically charge) air molecules. Negative ions (anions) are particles with
one or more received electrons.
are colourless, odourless and the negatively charged electrons in orbit
permits them draw various micro particles from the air.
Anions may thus accumulate and neutralise dust, destroy viruses by the charged
electrons, penetrate into microbial cells and destroy them and their negative
eff ects on human health. The more anions in the air, the fewer microbes.
Anions are also called “air vitamins”, “long-life elements” and “air cleaners”.
The usable properties of anions were long overlooked. They are very import-
ant for human health and we can no longer aff ord to overlook their curative
The number of anions per one cubic centimetre is as follows:
40 – 50 / cm³ in urban residential areas
100 – 200 / cm³ in urban air
700 – 1,000 / cm³ in open landscape
and more than 5,000 / cm³ in mountain valleys and on hillsides.
Human health id directly dependent on anion levels in the air. If anion concen-
tration in the air breathed in by the human body is very low or very high, man
begins to breathe spasmodically, can feel fatigue, vertigo, headache or even
Ozone generator
attracts a further oxygen atom to the O2 molecules. In higher
concentrations ozone may be toxic for airborne bacteria and can destroy these
infectious organisms. Ozone used primarily for destruction of viruses, bacte-
ria and moulds brings versatile benefi ts to human body – for example blood
oxygenation, circulation improvement and oxygen generation stimulation in
human tissues. Ozone is also an important immune regulator. For those rea-
sons the spectrum of health problems that can be successfully treated by ozone
therapy is broad.
Instruction for use
Ionizer and ozone generator may only work separately. When
the ozone generator starts work the ionizer is switched off . After 15 minutes
the ozone generator is disconnected and the ionizer is switched on automati-
cally. The ionizer is switched on with the “Ion“ button, when it is pressed the
respective control is illuminated. The ozone generator is switched on with the
“O3“ button, when it is pressed the respective control is illuminated and the
15-minute cycle of ozone generation starts running.