Mountain Models Flashback
After you stick the battery pack onto the mount, run the 6” double-sided Velcro strip
underneath the battery mount, around the top of the battery pack, and then secure it
to itself snugly. This acts as a seatbelt, holding the battery pack securely in place.
Typically, losing your battery in mid-flight is a bad thing…a very bad thing…
Attaching the Landing Gear
The landing gear is pressure fitted into the bottom of the fuselage.
Attaching the landing gear
Gently push the landing gear up into the bottom of the fuselage into its slot. You
may need to rock the gear slightly to get it into place. Once situated, the landing
gear will miraculously stay in place without glue or anything else.
Attaching the Canopy
Finally, you’re going to attach the canopy to the plane. After this, you’re done with the
entire build and are ready to finish up!
You will need:
Canopy assembly (assembled earlier)
1 - 1/4" x 1/4" x 3/4" balsa stick with metal tack
1 - Neodymium magnet (rare earth magnet)
Attaching the canopy
Hinge the entire right side of the canopy assembly to the fuselage with a 3/4" strip of
packing tape.
Remove the tack from the balsa stick, and then position the stick on the left side of
the fuselage, so that it's just in front of the F4 bulkhead and 5/32" below the top of
the fuselage.
Glue the balsa stick into position with thin CA.
Align the magnet with the center of the balsa stick, and then glue it to the bottom side
of the canopy assembly using thin CA.
Press the metal tack down 1/4" into the top of the balsa stick so that the magnet is
aligned with the tack.
Apply a small drop of thin CA to the tack, where it enters the balsa stick taking care to
not get any on the top of the tack.
Close the canopy and press it down until it's flush with the fuselage. The tack will be
pushed to the correct height into the stick. Wait for the CA to set up.