Mountain Models Flashback
Wash the canopy in dishwashing liquid. This removes the mold release and allows
better adhesion for the glue.
If you plan on painting the canopy, you're going to have to do it before it's all
glued in place. Once the canopy is washed, use a Scotch Brite pad to scuff the
plastic so that the paint adheres better. You should use the paint
recommended for R/C car bodies (polycarbonate / lexan). This is also the time
for you to paint the canopy frame.
Sand the canopy mount so it lines up flush with the inside of the canopy at both the
front and rear, and then glue it into place using 5 minute epoxy. Do not use CA, it will
crack the plastic.
Step 8: Sanding and Covering
The next step is to sand the pieces that need to be sanded and cover everything.
We aren’t going to go into how to cover the pieces
themselves, you’re going to have to refer to your covering’s instructions for this
information. Additionally, we aren’t going to cover our kit for instructional purposes,
since the covering hides too much.
Sanding the Flashback
What we recommend:
200 grit sandpaper for sanding
What to Sand
This is a fairly small chore for the Flashback; apparently the air prefers sharp edges to
rounded ones, so we aren’t going to round any of the pieces. Mind you, by sharp edges
we don’t mean pokey bits, you ARE going to have to sand those, we just mean non-
rounded bits.
The only things that you need to sand, since you did the bevels previously, are listed in
the following table.