Mountain Models Flashback
Attaching the Receiver
The receiver is attached within the fuselage, forward of the batteries. Use servo
tape and attach it to one of the fuselage walls. Connect the servos and ESC to
the receiver, following the guides on the receiver itself.
Attaching the ESC
The speed controller is attached within the fuselage, forward of the batteries. Use
servo tape and attach it to the opposite fuselage wall as the receiver. Connect
the battery to and the motor to the ESC, following the guides on the controller
Step 16: Finishing the Kit
Well, you’re almost there…the end is in sight; just a few more steps and you can go
flying, assuming the weather is cooperating.
Attaching the Tail Wheel
This is one of those highly overlooked, but extremely important pieces if you want your
backend to remain in one piece. For the Flashback we are using a tail wheel.
You will need:
1” piece of the 1/32” x 18” thin music wire (Wire)
1 tail wheel (Bagged Parts)
Attaching the tail wheel
Take a 1” length of the 1/32” x 18” music wire and bend it in half, forming a U shape.
Capture the tail wheel wire within the U shape, and then press the U up into the rear
of the fuselage to form a lower hinge.
Slide the tail wheel onto the tail wheel wire, and then bend the excess wire over 45
retain the wheel.