By340_04b_oi_e.doc / Apr-16
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Index Window *
Sets a window (encoder increments) where the slave
index pulse should be within with regard to the actual
master index position. The output is ON when the
Slave index is inside the tolerance window
1 - 9999
Max. Index Correction *
The response to registered marker pulse errors is
limited to the value set here (encoder increments).
Works similar to parameter “Phase Adjust” but allows
absolute limitation of the amount of index correction
to a level that can be handled by the drive.
1 - 32000
*) Parameters for Index Modes are only available with Software version BY34002 and higher
Important Hints for Index Operation only:
When using the +/-Trim function with one of the index modes, the Trim impulses
will automatically take along the Phase Offset setting, i.e. the Trim function can
also be used to manually adjust the desired Phase Offset.
Phase Offset settings adjusted with use of the +/-Trim function will be active until
to next power-down only, unless you apply a “Store EEProm” command before
switching power off
With operating modes 2 and 6 it is most important to set the correct number of
encoder pulses between two Slave index pulses to parameter F02.019.
Bad settings may cause severe instability!
With mode 8, when the accurate encoder impulse number between two Slave
index pulses is unknown or can vary, it is also acceptable to set parameter
F02.019 to an estimated number of impulses. However, the setting must be lower
or equal but not higher than the real number of encoder pulses between two index
pulses. Index errors higher than half of the F02.019 register setting will not be
corrected with mode 8
As soon as one of the index modes is used, output K2 will operate as “Index ok”
output and the setting of Alert 2 is inactive