By340_04b_oi_e.doc / Apr-16
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Phase Offset *
Allows setting a position offset between the Master
index and the Slave Index. When set to zero, the
controller will align the active edges of both index
signals. Setting is in Slave encoder increments.
-199999 - 199999
Adjustable Phase Offset
Index Master
Index Slave
Slave Pulses Index
Slave Pulses Index *
Number of Slave encoder pulses between two slave
index signals
1 – 999999
Phase Adjust *
With index operation only (Mode 2 and 6):
1 - 9
Digital attenuation of the response upon marker pulse errors.
1: full correction with each index check, i.e. 100%
2: correction by several steps with 50 % of the residual error
3: correction by several steps with 25 % of the residual error
4: correction by several steps with 12,5 % of the residual error
5: correction by several steps with 6,25 % of the residual error etc.
The setting depends on the dynamics of the drive and the maximum speed.
Example: If a marker pulse arrives every 20 ms but the drive cannot correct the
largest error in 20ms, it will lead to instability if the next correction is executed
before the previous is completed. In such a case the phase correction percentage
must be reduced.
Master Index Divider *
This is a programmable index divider for the master
marker pulses. It permits different numbers of marker
pulses from the master and the slave.
For the same reason as clarified above, we also recommend
to use the divider with very short sequences of marker
pulses, to allow the drive to stabilize before the next index
correction starts.
1 - 99
*) Parameters for Index Modes are only available with Software version BY34002 and higher