if content greater than 30k in size.
Below is a ladder diagram showing the flow through HTTP range
transfer, although recall use of the .JAD is optional.
SAR (Segmentation & Reassembly) - see specification of wireless
transaction protocol at the
if less than 30k in
During a download of the application, the user will see the Opera 8 displaying 'Down-
loading' followed by "x% completed" for either SAR or HTTP Byte Range type down-
A basic Over the Air Server Configuration document can be found in our Technical
Articles section at
. This includes details of config-
uring the server and also example WAP pages.
In these handsets, the user is given an option of deleting any MIDlets that are on the
phone if an OTA download cannot be achieved due to lack of space.
The following error codes are supported:
900 Success
901 Insufficient Memory
902 User Cancelled
903 Loss Of Service
904 JAR Size Mismatch
905 Attribute Mismatch
906 Invalid Descriptor
907 Invalid JAR
908 Incompatible Configuration or Profile
909 Application Authentication Failure
910 Application Authorization Failure
911 Push Registration Failure
912 Deletion Notification
Please be aware that the method used by the handset, as per the specifications, is
POST. Using a GET (URL encoding) style for the URL will fail. This is not the correct
use of the MIDlets JAD parameters.
Possible Screen Messages Seen With Downloading:
If JAR -file size does not match with specified size, it displays "Failed
Invalid File". Upon time-out, the handset goes back to browser.
When downloading is done, the handset displays a transient notice
"Download Completed" and starts to install the application.
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 4 - Downloading Applications
DRAFT - Subject to Change