equal to a mathemat-
ical integer
Static double cos
(double a)
Returns the trigono-
metric cosine of an
Static double floor
(double a)
Returns the largest
(closest to positive in-
finity) double value
that is not greater than
the argument and is
equal to a mathemat-
ical integer.
Static double max
(double a, double b)
Returns the greater of
two double values
Static float max
(float a, float b)
Returns the greater of
two float values
Static double min
(float a, float b)
Returns the smaller of
two double values
Static float min
(float a, float b)
Returns the smaller of
two float values
Static double sin
(double a)
Returns the trigono-
metric sine of an angle
Static double sqrt
(double a)
Returns the correctly
rounded positive
square root of a double
Static double tan
(double a)
Returns the trigono-
metric tangent of
Static double tode-
grees (double an-
Converts an angle
measured in radians to
the equivalent angle
measured in degrees
Static double toradi-
ans (double ang-
Converts an angle
measured in degrees
to the equivalent angle
measured in radians
Table 25 Additional classes, fields, and methods supported for CLDC 1.1 compliance
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 11 - JSR-139 - CLDC 1.1
DRAFT - Subject to Change