Java ME™ Access to
certificates on SIM and
phone memory
This chapter presents the specification to access digital certificates on "SIM or phone
memory" by a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The devices that support trusted applica-
tions must follow a PKI based authentication scheme as defined in MIDP 2.0 specific-
Support of certificates on SIM cards, and the ability to delete a TTP certi-
ficate, are optional facilities whose availability may vary by region and carrier.
16.1 Allow JVM to access Digital
The following are the rules for accessing Digital certificates related to various do-
mains Manufacturer, Operator and Trusted third party.
JVM must be able to read digital certificates in the SIM.
JVM must be able to read digital certificates in the phone memory.
The implementation MUST support the following certificates.
Manufacturer Domain
The certificate must be mapped to a secure location in the phone
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 16 - Java ME™ Access to certificates on SIM and phone
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