10.7 Media Locators
The classes Manager, DataSource and RecordControl interface accepts media loc-
ators. In addition to normal playback locators specified by JSR-135, the following
special locators need to be supported:
10.7.1 RTSP locator
RTSP Locators must be supported for streaming media on devices supporting real
time streaming using RTSP. This support must be available for audio and video
streaming through Manager (for playback media stream).
Refer to JSR-135 API for RTSP locator syntax.
10.7.2 HTTP Locator
HTTP Locators must be supported for playing back media over network connections.
This support should be available through Manager implementation.
e.g.: Manager.createPlayer("http://webserver/tune.mid")
10.7.3 File Locator
File locators must be supported for playback and capture of media. This is specific to
Motorola Java ME implementations supporting file system API and not as per JSR-
135. The support should be available through Manager and RecordControl imple-
e.g.: Manager.createPlayer("file://motorola/audio/sample.mid")
10.7.4 Capture Locator
Java ME Developer Guide
Chapter 10 - JSR-135 - Mobile Media API
DRAFT - Subject to Change