General warnings
31st Oct 01
Installation & Configuration: Horizon
macro outdoor
Laser radiation
Do not look directly into fibre optic cables or optical data in/out connectors.
Laser radiation can come from either the data in/out connectors or unterminated
fibre optic cables connected to data in/out connectors.
When dismantling heavy assemblies, or removing or replacing equipment, the
competent responsible person must ensure that adequate lifting facilities are
available. Where provided, lifting frames must be used for these operations.
When equipments have to be manhandled, reference must be made to the
Manual Handling of Loads Regulations 1992 (UK) or to the relevant manual
handling of loads legislation for the country in which the equipment is used.
Do not ...
... substitute parts or modify equipment.
Because of the danger of introducing additional hazards, do not install substitute
parts or perform any unauthorized modification of equipment. Contact Motorola
if in doubt to ensure that safety features are maintained.
Battery supplies
Do not wear earth straps when working with standby battery supplies.
Toxic material
Certain equipment may incorporate components containing the highly toxic
material Beryllium or its oxide Beryllia or both. These materials are especially
hazardous if:
Beryllium materials are absorbed into the body tissues through the skin,
mouth, or a wound.
The dust created by breakage of Beryllia is inhaled.
Toxic fumes are inhaled from Beryllium or Beryllia involved in a fire.
Beryllium warning labels are fitted to equipment incorporating Beryllium or
Beryllium Oxide. Observe all safety instructions given on warning labels.
Beryllium Oxide is used within some components as an electrical insulator.
Captive within the component it presents no health risk whatsoever. However, if
the component should be broken open or burnt, the Beryllium Oxide, in the form
of dust or fumes, could be released, with the potential for harm.
Lithium batteries, if subjected to mistreatment, may burst and ignite. Defective
lithium batteries must not be removed or replaced. Any boards containing
defective lithium batteries must be returned to Motorola for repair.