A p p l i c a t i o n V i e w s
S u p p o r t e d A p p l i c a t i o n s
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
Page 71
M o t o r o l a V a n g u a r d
This area of the Node Configuration view displays
the following billing settings:
Billing Printer Mnemonic
The mnemonic name of the logging device port to
which the node sends billing records.
Billing Record Call Threshold
The maximum number of billing records that can
be stored in an internal buffer before they are
sent to the logging device.
Max Billing Records
The maximum number of billing records the node
stores if the logging device cannot receive the
records for printing. After the number of records
exceeds this value, old records are deleted from
the buffer as new records are stored.
Billing Record Timer (minutes)
The number of minutes billing records are stored
before they are automatically sent to a logging
device for printing.
PVC Billing Record Timer (minutes)
The number of minutes billing records for PVCs
(with billing activated) are stored before they are
automatically sent to a logging device for printing.
General Product Feature Set
Identifies a general class of feature set for the
PAD Bulletin Message
Specifies the message that appears when a
terminal connects to a PAD port and enters
command mode. A value of
indicates no
message will appear.
PAD Banner Message
Specifies the message that PAD ports send to
attached terminals that enter command mode.
This area of the Node Configuration view displays
the following traffic settings:
Traffic Priority
The default traffic priority for the node. Possible
settings are:
, and
Traffic Priority Step
The number of packets to be transmitted for each
lower priority packet transmitted.