Although the build plate was leveled at the factory, it may have shifted somewhat during
shipping. Before you begin using the printer, you will need to check the build plate level
and adjust it as necessary.
Build plate leveling is crucial to getting a good print. A build plate that is not level will have
areas where the nozzle is either too far or too close to the build plate. If the nozzle is too
far from the plate, the extruded material will be unable to stick to it. On the other hand, if
it is too close to the plate, it could prevent material from extruding and could damage the
nozzle and/or build plate.
Perform the following steps to level the build plate.
Depress the I side of the power switch to power the
printer on.
Once startup is complete, the built-in menu system is
displayed. Use the navigation wheel to move the
highlight to the MAINTENANCE entry, then press the
wheel to select it.
Select the BUILD-PLATE entry. The system will start
the 7-step leveling process.