Molten Voltage™
Owner’s Manual - p.4
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v 1.0
Ratio Controls
The RATIO 1 (F) and RATIO 2 (E) Controls multiply or divide the Output Pulsing speeds relative to
the incoming MIDI Clock.
The Output Ratios are based on nine (9) musical subdivisions:
sixteenth note (1:4 ratio)
eighth note triplet (1:3 ratio)
eighth note (1:2 ratio)
quarter note triplet (2:3 ratio)
quarter note (tap speed)
half note triplet (4:3 ratio)
half note (2:1 ratio)
whole note (4:1 ratio)
two whole notes (8:1 ratio)
As a result, synchronized devices can operate at different yet complimentary rates.
The default Output Ratio is quarter note
, which corresponds to the knob pointing to the top of
the pedal. Sixteenth note is full left, while two whole notes is full right.
Note: Ratio changes affect only the current Program and are not stored unless the Program is
saved, as described in the next section.
Note: CV-SYNC reads the position of the Ratio Controls on power up.
Note: Whenever the ratio controls are not stable (i.e. when they are moving or have recently
moved), the STATUS LED will turn off until they become stable again. Each control will
stabilize after approximately three (3) seconds of no motion.
Program Storage
CV-SYNC stores the distinct Output Ratios for each of 128 programs.
Programs are stored by toggling the PGM Switch down then up again. The STATUS LED will flash
to indicate the program was successfully stored.
Programs can also be stored upon a self-programming command from the Molten Voltage MASTER
CONTROL or Molten Voltage TEMPODE MIDI Clock Injector.
Selecting Output Mode and MIDI Channel
CV-SYNC offers 3 different Output Modes and can be set to respond to MIDI Program Change
messages on MIDI Channel 1 or 15.
Note: MIDI Clock is not channel-specific. As such CV-SYNC will always respond to an incoming
MIDI Clock