Device Description Embedded HMI XVH-3x0
Display Technology, Backlight
01/05 AWB2776-1559GB
© by Moeller GmbH
12 D
, B
An STN color LCD (passive) is used for the display. The image is produced by means of a backlight
that varies in color and intensity on account of the individual LCD cells (pixels).
The light of the backlight is produced by means of cold cathode tubes. The lifespan of the tubes is
limited, and depends on the actual operating conditions. The intensity of the brightness and the
number of start cycles are major factors in determining the lifespan of the tubes. Reducing the
brightness can considerably increase the lifespan of the device. Frequent switching, particularly at low
temperatures, will reduce the lifespan of the unit.
Therefore avoid the frequent switching on and off of the backlight or the entire system. Minimising the
brightness required is more effective than reducing the frequent on/off switching.
Further information: PANEL with WindowsCE [3]