If your system includes the
, your Mobile Device will have
voice announcements. Select announcements are listed below:
Mobile Device
receives a all ignal
time to cancel the alarm. During this time, you may
seconds to cancel the signal.
Fall larm is canceled
“Alarm anceled ”
Alarm has been cancelled
cancellation has ended
“Fall etected ontacting
mergency esponse enter”
The signal will then be sent to the Monitoring Center
and an operator will call your Mobile Device and/or
the Base Station to assess your situation and dispatch
the appropriate help to you.
All devices frequency transmission = 433 MHz
Fall Button
You must always carry the Mobile Device with you when going outside of your home.
Keep electrical cords away from heat sources and sharp edges.
Keep electrical cords away from areas where someone could trip over them.
Use caution when handling electrical cords.
Never install electrical cords during a lightning storm.
Do not use any attachment or accessory that is not intended for use with this system.
Test your system using the TEST button when possible, as instructed in this User Guide.
Do not block the Base Station’s microphone. This will affect your ability to communicate with
the Emergency Response Center.
charged for 3 hours.
350 feet from the Mobile Device or
00 feet from the Base Station, depending on
the size and construction of your home.
The Mobile Device can be used in the shower. Do not submerge in water.
Service availability and access/coverage on the AT&T network is not available everywhere and at all times. Current
GPS location may not always be available in every situation.
SRDR-00023 Rev. 2
SRDR-00023 Rev. 2
Fall Detection with Mobile Device 5.0