Operating Instructions MG3 Digital
How to …?
76609409EN-BA-MG3D-V1_6.docx 34/82
Set the measuring range end value best
suited to your task here.
Measuring range end value for current:
2 kA–5 kA–20 kA–100 kA–500 kA
Measuring range end value for voltage:
0,5 V–2,5 V–10 V–50 V
Many modern welding current controls offer a current, voltage and power control option.
Proceed as follows (depending on the selected control type) to achieve a correct
measuring range end value:
For constant current control:
Set the next-greatest measuring range end value for the current (which suits the set
current on the welding current source). Enter 50V for the voltage. Conduct a test
measurement (welding operation). Set the measuring range end value for the voltage
subsequently to the next-greatest value (which suits the measured voltage).
For constant voltage control:
Set the next-greatest measuring range end value for the voltage (which suits the set
voltage on the welding current source). Enter 500kA for the current. Conduct a test
measurement (welding operation). Set the measuring range end value for the current
subsequently to the next-greatest value (which suits the measured current).
For constant power control:
Enter 500 kA for the current and 50 V for the voltage as the measuring range end value.
Conduct a test measurement (welding operation). Set both measuring range end values
subsequently to the next-greatest value (which suits the measured current and measured
Activation and the input of a MIN and MAX
values allows you to determine a time slot
in which measuring value monitoring
should occur.