11. Troubleshooting
(21) Alarm No. 50 : OVERLOAD
The value of the current flowing to the spindle motor exceeded the overload detection
level (spindle parameter SP064: OLL), and continued longer than the overload
detection time (spindle parameter SP063: OLT, Standard: 60 sec.).
Investigation items
Investigation results
The correct value is not set.
Set the correct value.
1 Check the spindle
parameter (SP034,
SP040, SP055, SP257
and following) setting
The correct value is set.
Investigate item 2, and carry out the
appropriate measures.
The standard value is not set.
Set the standard value.
2 Check the spindle
parameter (SP063 and
SP064) setting values.
The standard value is set.
Investigate item 3, and carry out the
appropriate measures.
3 Check the U, V, W
wiring between the
spindle drive unit and
1) Are the terminal
screws loose?
1) The terminal screws were loose.
Correctly tighten the screws.
2) Is there a
short-circuit in the
wiring between
2) There was a short-circuit.
Replace the cable.
3) There was a ground fault.
Replace the cable.
3) Is there a ground
fault in one of the
phases? When
checking items 2)
and 3), leave both
ends of the cable
No particular problem.
Investigate item 4, and carry out the
appropriate measures.
Connector came (was coming) loose. Install correctly.
4 Jiggle the speed
detector connector
(spindle drive unit side
and speed detector
side) to see whether it
is coming loose.
Connectors are normal.
Investigate item 5, and carry out the
appropriate measures.
The connection is faulty, or there is a
broken wire.
Replace the detector cable. Correctly
connect the cable.
5 Turn the power OFF,
and check the speed
detector cable
connection with a
The connection is normal.
Investigate item 6, and carry out the
appropriate measures.
The waveform is incorrect.
Adjust the waveform so it is correct.
6 Check the speed
detector waveform.
The waveform is correct.
Investigate item 7, and carry out the
appropriate measures.
The load amount exceeds the motor
Set the load amount to within the
motor rating.
7 Check the motor load
No particular problem.
Investigate item 8, and carry out the
appropriate measures.
The motor is locked.
Reconsider the machine side.
8 Check the motor
No particular problem.
Replace the unit.