Check code
Title and display conditions
Possible Cause
Diagnosis and action
Main remote controller control board failure
Check code E1 displayed if main remote control-
ler cannot access it is non volatile (non power
dependent) memory.
Check code E2 is displayed when there is a fault
with the main remote controller's internal clock.
Fault with the main remote controller
circuit board
1. Replace main remote controller circuit
Indoor unit/wireless receiver communication
Check code J0 is displayed when the FTC can
not receive data from the wireless receiver for 1
Connection fault with wireless receiver-
FTC connection
Check the connections to the wireless re
ceiver and FTC have not become loose and
that the connecting cable is not damaged.
Fault with FTC receiving circuit board
2. to 4.
Turn the power to the indoor unit OFF and
then ON.
Power to both the indoor unit and outdoor
units should be switched OFF then ON.
(This may require switching 1 or 2 breakers
depending if the unit is powered indepen
dently from the outdoor unit).
If the J0 code is still displayed the FTC and/
or the wireless receiver circuit board should
be replaced.
Fault with wireless receiver's transmis
sion circuit board
4. Electrical noise causes interference
with wireless receiver communication
J1 to J8
Wireless remote controller/wireless receiver
communication failure
(Reception error)
Check code displayed if wireless receiver
receives no/incomplete data from the wireless
remote controller for 15 consecutive minutes.
The digit after the J refers to the address of the
wireless remote controller that has the error.
E.g. Check code "J3" refers to a communication
fault between the wireless receiver and wireless
remote control with address 3.
Battery on wireless remote control may
be flat.
1 Check and replace the battery if necessary
the wireless remote controller battery.
The wireless remote controller is out of
range of the wireless receiver.
2. to 4.
Reposition the wireless remote control
closer to the receiver and perform a
communication test.
For procedure refer to wireless remote
controller installation manual.
If "OK" is displayed then the cause of the
J1 to J8 error was the controller was out of
range of the receiver.
The wireless remote controller should be
installed within range of the receiver.
If "Err" is displayed replace wireless remote
controller with a new controller and perform
the pairing procedure.
If after this procedure the "Err" code is still
displayed the fault is with the receiver unit
(attached to the indoor unit).
The receiver unit should be replaced with a
new part and the original remote control can
be reconnected.
If "OK" is displayed then the fault is with the
remote control and this should be replaced.
Fault with wireless remote controller
transmission circuit board
Fault with wireless receiver's reception
circuit board
Combination error between FTC and outdoor unit
R410A outdoor unit is combined incorrectly. Check combination of FTC and outdoor unit.
U*, F*, A*
Outdoor unit failure
Outdoor unit failure
Refer to outdoor unit service manual.
Note: To cancel check codes, please switch system off (press button F4 (RESET) on main remote controller).