Safety, Operation, & Maintenance Manual
Linear Cut Processing Systems
Working on a Machine Inside the Machine’s Main Electrical Enclosure or in
the Electrical Transmission Line to the Machine
Before opening the main electrical enclosure, or attempting to repair or
replace an electrical transmission line to the machine, lockout/tagout the
machine properly. Follow your company’s approved lockout/tagout
procedures which should include, but are not limited to the steps here.
Engage an E-stop on the machine.
Shut the power to the machine off at the machine’s power source which is
usually an electrical service entry panel on the facility wall. One example of a
locked-out power source panel is shown in Figure 1- 3.
Attach a lock and tag that meets OSHA requirements for lockout/tagout.
Open the door to the enclosure in which you need access, and using a
multimeter, verify that the power is off.
Figure 1-3: Sample of a Lockout/ Tagout Mechanism on a Power Source Panel