Chapter 4 – Revision History
March 12, 2015:
Created user guide Rev OR.
June 26, 2015:
Updated user guide per CD Rev. C2 and Firmware Rev. B1, adding high speed
Sweep & Hop, showed firmware upgrade support for RUDAT models. Rev A.
August 10, 2015:
Rewrote Sweep & Hop section to add more detail to high speed mode and added
section on attenuation switching time with plots showing examples. Rev B.
September 16, 2015:
Added caution note concerning multiple GUI sessions during firmware
October 16, 2015:
Added models RCDAT-8000-30 and RCDAT-3000-63W2.
August 07, 2016:
Added RC4DAT models and RUDAT-132G-90, Added SPI control, Added multi-
channel attenuators to sweep & hop, added third timing diagram, rewrote firmware
upgrade to provide contact information for firmware upgrades.
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AN-49-005 Rev.:
(August 7, 2016) M156027 (R90553) File: AN-49-005(D).doc
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