The destination directory window
will appear. In most cases, the default will
be your computer’s hard drive (C:)\Program Files\ Mini-Circuits Programmable Attenuator\.
Change it if you prefer. Then click the large button at the top to continue.
Figure 2.2.4: Destination directory window
The Program Group window
will appear. This window allows you to select the
program group under which the link for the attenuator control program in the Start Menu will be
created. If you change the Program Group for this software, be sure to record that information
together with your destination address. Click on “Continue” to proceed.
Figure 2.2.5: Program group window
In a second or two, your installation will be complete.
Click “OK” to
close the installer.
Figure 2.2.6: Installation complete
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AN-49-005 Rev.:
(August 7, 2016) M156027 (R90553) File: AN-49-005(D).doc
This document and its contents are the property of Mini-Circuits