c) Measure J6-1. Manually move ECC motor
shaft to adjust f eedback pot for +1 VDC ±
0.1 VDC (car efully use lar ge screwdriver
through center hole in circuit board to man-
ually turn motor shaft).
d) Measure J6-2. Adjust
zero pot (VR2)
-1 VDC ± 0.05 VDC.
e) Measure J6- 4. Adjust
control-offset po t
for -1 VDC ± 0.05 VDC.
f) Measure J6- 3. Sho uld r ead 0.00 VDC o r
close to it.
g) Measure J6-6 . Adjust
feedback o ffset
for 0.00 VDC ±0.1 VDC.
h) Measure J6-7 with DVM set to mA r ange
(VDC r ange for 1 -5 VDC output). Adju st
feedback zero (VR5)
for 4 mA ±0.1mA (1
VDC ±0.1 VDC).
i) If any Initial adjustment s for zero (VR 2),
control o ffset (VR7) , fe edback of fset
(VR9), or feedback zero (VR5) can not be
attained set VR3 fu ll CCW an d VR4 full
CW and complete paragraph ste p
2. a through 3. h.
4. Adjustments for
(V R1) a nd
a) Disconnect motor lead, J1. Apply 20 mA (5
VDC) input signal. Reset DVM for VD C
b) Measure J6-1. Manually move ECC motor
shaft to adjust feedback pot for +5 VDC.
c) Adjust
span p ot (VR 1)
u ntil bo th mo tion
LEDs (CR5 and CR6) are off.
d) Measure J6 -6. Ad just
feedback s pan
for - 4 VDC.
5. Reconnect P1 and apply power. Vary input sig-
nal from low to high and observe correct oper-
6. Apply a 4 mA (1 VDC) control signal and allow
motor to run until it stops. Disconnect power.
7. Manually turn
stroke adjust to a position
of 0% for direct-acting or 100% for reverse-act-
8. Install ECC to pump. Do not rotate ECC shaft.
If necessary, slightly r otate pump coupling for
proper engagement with ECC drive pin. Install
and tighten mounting bolts.
9. Using a s crewdriver, rotate motor s haft to turn
pump stroke adjust to minus 1% (this is 1 per-
cent below 0% reading, shows as “9” on most
pump micrometer rings). (Max Roy pump has
mechanical stops).
Low signa l a djust:
Disconnect motor lea d,
J1. Ap ply a 4 m A (1 VDC) signal a nd ad just
zero pot (VR2)
until both motion lights are off
(CR5 and CR6). Adjust
lower limit LED (CR3)
until just on (VR3), if needed. Adjust
zero pot (VR5)
to 4 mA (1 VDC), if needed.
The MaxRoy B, Milr oyal B, C, G, MacRoy
G, and D use s a 20 :1 gearbox. It req uires
200 tu rns at the actuator ha ndwheel to
adjust the pu mp str oke 10 tu rns (0 % to
100%). The Milroyal D uses a 5:1 or 12 :1.
11. Manually turn pump stroke adjust to a position
of 100% (101%) for direct-acting or 0% (-1%)
for r everse-acting. (Max Roy
pump h as
mechanical stops.)
High signal adjust:
Apply 20 mA (5 VDC) sig-
nal an d ad just
span p ot ( VR1)
until bo th
motion light s are of f. Adjust upper limit LED
(CR4) until jus t on (VR4), if needed. Adjust
feedback s pan pot ( VR6)
to 20.00 mA ( 5
VDC), if needed.
13. Verify: Verify tra vel with lo w a nd h igh sign al.
Readjust feedback zero and feedback span if
needed for travel. Readjust limit s until limit
LEDs are just on, if needed.
14. Disconnect input and output control signal wir-
ing, reconnect all co nnectors, and install ECC
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