Midian’s GPS-2 IC-2 is a GPS receiver that encodes a user’s GPS coordinates along with the user’s ANI and
Emergency ANI to display on Midian’s CAD-800 or CAD-800U base station controllers. The following is a list of
benefits provided by ANI systems:
Allows dispatchers to know who he or she is talking to.
Identify system abusers.
Identify emergency conditions.
Assign calls fairly.
Track user location.
The GPS-2 IC-2 encodes ANI and Emergency ANI along with the users GPS location using Midian’s FMP
signaling. This is decoded by Midian’s CAD-800 or CAD-800U which uses a Google Earth interface to display the
unit’s location on a map.
The GPS-2 IC-2 also offers Man-Down* and Lone Worker features. If the unit does not detect movement (Man-
Down) or receive any user interaction (PTT or Lone Worker Reset button) for a programmable period of time the
unit can key the radio and send the Emergency ANI.
In addition to the above encoding features, the GPS-2 IC-2 can decode commands from the CAD-800 such as
Polling, Selective Calling, Radio Disable, Radio Enable, Spy (Remote Monitoring) and Emergency Acknowledge.
Polling allows the dispatcher to request a unit’s GPS location. Selective calling can be to call an individual unit, a
group of units or all units. If a unit becomes lost or stolen, it can be disabled, so it cannot interfere with the
system**. If the unit is later recovered the unit can be re-enabled. The Spy function enables the dispatcher to
eavesdrop on a unit during an emergency or other condition***. If multiple Emergency IDs are transmitted, the
dispatcher can stop subsequent Emergency ID transmissions using the Emergency Acknowledge feature.
The GPS-2
also offers inversion voice scrambling and ANI and Emergency ANI encode only (no GPS
location), in the following formats:
Motorola’s MDC-1200
Kenwood’s FleetSync
Harris’ G-Star (aka GE-Star)
5-Tone (all formats)
*If the Man-Down feature is desired it must be specified at time of order*
**In some models PTT is not disabled however TX modulation is killed**
***Live microphone is only available in the F-9511**
Note: To achieve full encode and decode functions in the mobile radios a modification is required (page 13), if
GPS location reporting
is desired then no modification is required.
If full encode and decode functions are desired in the Icom mobile radios please specify Mod 1476 when
placing the order.
Important note
With the above modification, the GPS-2 board MUST be programmed with a special
programming file. This will be found after installing the MPS at:
C:\Apps\Midian\MPS\MPS_v5_xx\Additional Default Files\GPS-2\Icom\ F-5061_6061 or 9511 Mod 1476