Seite 35
RS485 Interface
capaNCDT 61xx/IP
Commands and Settings
It can be made even more settings via the RS485 interface:
- Filter:
moving average (about 2 to 8 values)
arithmetic average (about 2 to 8 values)
Median (about 2 to 8 values)
dynamic noise reduction
- Data rate at which the measuring values can be added:
5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1000 or 2000 Samples/s
- Baud rate of RS485 interface:
9600, 115200, 230400, 460800 or 921600 Baud
- RS485 address of controller: 1 … 126
- Firmware Update of controller
Use for these settings either our MEDAQLib driver or the IF1032/ETH interface converter to Ethernet
with the appropriate configuration option via web interface.