The tooth contact and the gear backlash can be
adjusted by moving the pinion (smaller gear).
Vertical movement happens by turning the
countershaft housing with adjusting screws
when the fixing screws have been first
loosened (figure 9.8.2).
Horizontal movement can be done by adding
and removing shims (A) between the lower
frame and the countershaft housing (figure.
9.8.3.). Also here the shim piles must be of
equal thickness.
Check the tooth contact by applying thinly
contact colour on the crown wheel teeth (3 or
4 adjacent teeth). Rotate the smaller gear by
the belt pulley to spread out the colour also to
the smaller gear. The tooth contact can be
adjusted with the help of the contact marks
according to figure 9.8.4.
The backlash must be correct. It is approx. 0.7
mm (0.028"). To check the backlash turn the
eccentric shaft to a position where the
m i n i m u m s et ti n g o f th e cru s h er i s
perpendicularly against the countershaft. The
backlash can now be measured as the free
movement of the V-belt pulley, where by the
backlash of 0.7 mm (0.028") is equivalent to
a f ree movement of 1.9...2.2 mm
(0.075"...0.087") measured on a dia 530 mm
(21") sheave (figure 9.8.5).
Figure 9.8.3 The horizontal adjustment can
be done by adding and removing shims (A)
between the lower frame and the
countershaft housing
Figure 9.8.2 The vertical adjustment can be
done by turning the eccentric countershaft
housing with adjusting screws
Other maintenance