Autolab/Electronic load combination
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Figure 36 – The acquisition parameters are defined on the Sampler section of the FRA editor
The acquisition parameters are predefined for a normal impedance measurement
and it is recommended to use the default settings. Additional signals to be
measured can be specified in the section:
Sample time domain: if this option is active, the time domain information
will be sampled and stored for both input signals. The time domain
information consists of the raw X and Y sine waves. This information can
be used evaluate the signal to noise ratio and to evaluate the linearity of
the cell response.
Sample frequency domain: if this option is active, the frequency domain
information will be sampled and stored for both input signals. The
frequency domain information consists of the calculated FFT results
obtained from the measured time domain. The frequency domain
information can be used to evaluate the measured frequency contributions.
Sample DC (active by default): if this option is active, the DC component
for both input signals will be sampled and stored.
Calculate admittance: if this option is active, the admittance will be
calculated based on the measured impedance data.
For this application, it is highly recommended to activate the Sample time
domain option in order to verify that the sinewaves from the Autolab and
electronic load are recorded properly.