1 Introduction
942 Extension Module Vario SeS/PP (2.942.0500)
1 Introduction
Instrument description
942 Extension Module Vario are extension modules used to expand exist-
ing 940 Professional IC Vario instruments with additional functions. Each
940 Professional IC Vario instrument can be expanded with up to 3 942
Extension Module Vario instruments.
942 Extension Module Vario SeS/PP
can be used in IC systems
where an additional module for sequential suppression is needed.
The 942 Extension Module Vario is operated using
MagIC Net
just like the IC instrument. If a 942 Extension Module Vario is connected
to a 940 Professional IC Vario instrument, MagIC Net automatically
detects the 942 Extension Module Vario and checks its functional capabil-
ity. It controls and monitors the entire IC system including all connected
instruments; it evaluates the measured data and manages it in a database.
The 942 Extension Module Vario SeS/PP consists of the following compo-
Peristaltic pump
The peristaltic pump is used for pumping sample and auxiliary solutions. It
can rotate in both directions.
Metrohm Suppressor Module (MSM)
The chemical suppressor MSM consists of the suppressor drive, a rotor
and, where applicable, an adapter. The suppressor drive gives you the flex-
ibility to use different rotors according to the principle "one drive – many
rotors". Suppression rotors with different capacities and construction or a
rotor for sample preparation (SPM Rotor) are readily interchangeable with
appropriate adapters as needed. The rotors are not included in the instru-
ment's scope of delivery. The rotor required for the application and any
adapter that is required must be ordered separately.
Metrohm CO
Suppressor (MCS)
The Metrohm CO
Suppressor (MCS) removes the CO
from the eluent
stream. This lowers the background conductivity, improves detection sen-
sitivity and minimizes the injection peak and system peak.