Power-On for Use
Step 1: Turn the power toggle switch to "ON" position, at the moment, the equipment will start up
automatically (with built-in chargeable lithium battery, the display screen will be on, and the buzzer will
give a short beep; Step 2: Connect the device with the external 5V adapter.
Note: If the device needs to be connected with MT500, the IP address of the device shall be set in
advance, and then it shall be connected with MT500 through a crossover network cable.
Main Interface Instructions
Key 1: UP key
Key 2: DOWN key
Key 3: OK key
Key 4: Menu button
The main interface will pop up after the device is started up. As shown in the following figure:
Display Instructions:
Current time: hour: minute
The power supply status of the adapter is shown as follows: "OK"
indicates that the power supply of the adapter is normal; "ERR"
Key 1
Key 2
Key 3
Key 4